“Trilogy Of Horror” Thursday – My Latest RRParks Cards “Coffintooth” Sketchcards

Hey, gang- a couple weeks ago I lost my job at the comic shop I’ve been working at. Had been there for going on 3 years now. I’ve been trying to take advantage of the current time at home by getting a few personal art projects done, as well as getting two sketchcard gigs wrapped up for RRParks Cards.

One of them is “John Carpenter’s: The Thing“, and the other is the “Trilogy Of Horror” set which includes the movies “The Slasher Nurse“, “Psycho Ape Pt. 2“, and “Coffintooth“.

For each set I did 10 official hand-drawn sketchcards on official RRParks Cards blanks. Up first are my two “Coffintooth” sketchcards. 

“A madman knAll Postsown as Coffintooth stalks victims on Halloween Eve.” (Click HERE to watch the trailer on YouTube.)

I started off with an HB pencil– I used a click pencil on this one, but also like yellow #2 pencils, too.

I then used a variety of markers including Copic, Ohuhu, Touch New, Weisbrandt, Letraset, and Prismacolors.

I did my line work with a black Pigma Micron pen, white Gelly Roll pen, and a white Prismacolor pencil. Sometimes I’ll do a light dusting of Krylon Workable Fixative if I feel the card stock needs a bit of “tooth” for the colored pencil to take hold better. Once I was done with the art, I sprayed a light coat of the fixative to protect them, and then scanned and uploaded them to my site.

On the horizontal one I used a silver gel pen as a special effect for the metal parts of the drawing.


I usually take a lot more progression shots, but slipped up and forgot to as I drew. I’ll have plenty to share for my upcoming “Psycho Ape Pt. 2” and “The Slasher Nurse” posts.

I’ll be doing a couple artist returns/artist proofs for each set and have them available for sale in the near future, but if you’re interested in purchasing any of my personal sketchcards I have several for sale at The Cellar Tabletop Games & Comics out on Bartlett Avenue (Sycamore View exit on I-40) near Bartlett Park and Stage Road. 

I’ll also have some and a few new sketchcovers at upcoming appearances such as the Memphis Libraries Comic Con in May and the Crosstown Concourse Zine Fest this fall. I’ll have some “how to” posts on each of them.

Oh, and there’s a new “Drawing Funny” podcast available to listen to. Episode 76 – “MSCA Dinner/901 No More” can be downloaded on Spotify, Apple, and most podcasting platforms.

Type at ya later!



The Cellar
2737 Bartlett Blvd Bartlett, TN 38134
(901) 382-8623
Store Hours: 12pm – 7pm Every Day   


Click HERE to listen on Spotify.

“Trilogy Of Horror” Thursday – My Latest RRParks Cards “Coffintooth” Sketchcards