Kind words from Gail Simone


Nicki shared an article with me this week where Gail Simone mentions me and the Green Arrow painting I donated to the John Ostrander auction.


“First, we have a Green Arrow painting by the talented Lin Workman. I had the good fortune to see this delightful caricature at the Superman Celebration in Metropolis this year, and it’s simply gorgeous, a must for any GA fan.”


Wow- thanks, Gail!

To read the full article “ED BRUBAKER WANTS YOU DEAD! A John Ostrander Auction Update” and find out how you can have a mobster corpse named after you in Ed Brubaker’s book “Criminal”, and win a signed and personalized copy of the issue go to-

It all goes to benefit writer John Ostrander, and many other great comic legends. So please check the eBay auctions regularly, under searchword COMIX4SIGHT.


Kind words from Gail Simone
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