Or more accurately, “Back at the drawing board again!”
I’ve been sick with a sinus infection for almost a week, and the meds I had to take for it really messed my stomach up. Didn’t eat for a few days- mostly just juice, Powerade, and crackers. Even Jello was hard to stomach. Saturday I felt good enough to get out, grab lunch, and run a few errands with Nicki, which included picking up my framed “Batman Strikes” comic page for the Batcave. Got a surprise call that morning from Michael’s telling me my framing order was ready to be picked up several days early. It was Batman Day– so it seemed appropriate, and a cool coincidence. The page is now hanging in the Batcave at home. It’s pg8 from issue 46 of “The Batman Strikes” comic series drawn by artists Christopher Jones and Terry Beatty. I have been wanting to get it framed since I bought it from Terry at Midsouthcon a couple years ago, but wanted to wait for the Batcave remodeling. I dig that it’s a scene in the Batcave. Also got a package the day before from our friends Anabel and Allen out in Arizona. They sent a cool cosplay calendar and card set, Gotham lanyards, big Batman bag, plus a bunch of other pins, buttons, signed comics and more swag from this years San Diego Comic Con. Really made my day when Nicki got home and opened the package from them.
Today I felt good enough to actually sit down a do a bit of drawing. Really sucked being home and not being able to. Have been wanting to draw on one of my blank “Howard the Duck” sketchcovers, so I thought I’d take a break from some of my recent “Batman ’66” and “Star Wars” ones to get ducky with it!
The week or so before I got sick I did get a few new sketchcovers done. One, a “Batman ’66” Vincent Price Egghead, and another Adam West Batman.
I also got another Star Wars sketchcover done earlier as well, this time it was a Captain Phasma from the new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens“. I’m diggin’ the character designs for this film and can’t wait for December to get here so I can go see them on the big screen.
Plan on having several dozen more sketchcovers done by con season next year, along with some new marker illustrations, sketchbooks, and hopefully finally a “Scared Silly” comicbook. Looking at doing a run of sketchcovers for those and maybe the sketchbooks, too.
Well, got to get back to it- these things don’t draw themselves!