November already?

Wow, I don’t know whether to be glad October is over with, or miss it.


It was a busy, hectic, tiring, stressful month- but it was also a lot of fun. I spent most of it painting, drawing, preparing, shopping for or pimpin’ my art show. I spent some of it hanging out in an E.R. or I.C.U. waiting room with Nicki (her sister is doing much better now). The rest I spent going to plays, art walks, fall festivals, movies, or to the haunt.


It’s funny, I hear people around town say that there’s never anything to do in Memphis. If anything, this past October kinda showed me there’s almost too much going on in Memphis- which isn’t a bad thing. You just can’t do everything you want to each week, and have to pick and choose. The weather can affect your decisions, but for the most part I’ve found there’s always something happening in and around Memphis you can do inside or out.


Art shows, museums, the zoo, downtown, Beale, the river, Graceland, Stax, Sun, Elmwood, trolley tours, parks, theaters, and more are out there- and most have something going on each and everyday, and many cost little to nothing to enjoy.






And many you can learn from, too!


Well, enough of me being a cheerleader for Memphis. If people can’t find something cool to do in town that’s not my problem- they’re just not trying. I stay busy and have a blast doing it!


I had a great birthday weekend. Got to hang at the haunt, our friends Mike and Sharon had a party (hello Jello-shots!) out in Fayette County, had dinner with my family for my mom’s birthday down in Southaven, and then yesterday I celebrated mine by grabbing a Bubba’s Choice pizza from my favorite pizza place in Hernando (Brick Oven), watching a movie and Monday Night Football with Nicki, and enjoying having some quiet down time. It was a good night- a really good night. Funny thing, my phone beeps whenever I get a new email or message and it constantly beeped all night. Nicki asked me what the heck was up with it, and I told her it was birthday wishes. She then asked me just how many people do I know?! I told her, “A lot.” 😉




If all the birthday wishes weren’t enough this weekend (they started on Friday), my girlfriend wanted to dress up as KISS for Halloween, and let me pick which band member!


I picked my favorite- Peter! (Who I guess is Eric now.)



I even got a KISS blanket and the new KISS CD for my birthday. It was almost too good a weekend. 😉


Hope you’ve recovered from October, too!


I think I’m just going to KISS that month goodbye. ; ) ~


November already?
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