Birth-day becomes Birth-week!

Hey gang,


Well, what started out as some early birthday wishes on Facebook last Friday and some “super” presents from Tim and Traci at his sister’s Halloween party, continued over to dinner Sunday night with my family when we celebrated mine and my mom’s birthday (her’s was that night).


Monday, my actual birthday I got to spend a quiet night with my girlfriend Nicki with some pizza, a movie, and some Monday Night Football. Was nice to just sit and spend some time with Nicki for my birthday. Also cool to have some presents waiting for me on the coffee table. Got the new KISS cd, some DVDs, and candy!

Since everyone at work forgot it was my birthday on Monday I got a cake on Tuesday. It was chocolate and sooooo rich! Also got a belated monkey card. Monkeys is funny.


Then, Wednesday night the Yankees win the world series- awesome birthday present! Was nice that the Rams finally won a game over the weekend. 😉


Then last night at the monthly MSCA dinner meeting Jane and Ronnie showed up with a cake and a big ol’ birthday bag of goodies.


Jane always does awesome birthday cakes. I’ve gotten an Iron Man, Harley Quinn, Beetlejucie and others over the years. Each one better than the last.


Got some Batmobiles, action figures, a Spidey cap, and KISS M&Ms.


These were cool, but I’m still amazed that I’ve never seen any KISS Hershey’s KISSes!


Jane’s awesome and has always been a huge help with Bushi Tales, the MSCA, cons and signings, my latest art show and more. She’s super supportive of all of us. Thanks, Jane!


We had a great turnout for the meeting. If you’d like to come out it’s the first Thursday of the month at Garibaldi’s Pizza near the U of M. More info on it and the MSCA can be found here.

Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday. It really was overwhelming.


Looking forward to getting older again next year!


Birth-day becomes Birth-week!
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