Got Sketchy At The MSCA Sat-Art-Day At 901 Comics East – And Featured On The Real Hernando Podcast

Hey, gang- lots has been going on since the last time I posted, and lots coming up!
Artist seeks fame and fortune by drawing funny
Hey, gang- lots has been going on since the last time I posted, and lots coming up!
Hey, gang- I’ve got someTHING new to show you- my latest sketchcover. It’s a “Fantastic Four” #1 sketchcover featuring The Thing with a guest appearance of the Human Torch. I started off with a blank Marvel Comics sketchcover, and an inked
In case you didn’t know, I’m a bit of a bat-fanatic. Some days more than others. And although I don’t draw as much Batman art as you might think a bat-fan would/should, I do enjoy it when I can get