Scared Silly

“I’m Bats, Man”- My Latest RRPARKS Cards Sketchcards

“I’m Bats, Man”- My Latest RRPARKS Cards Sketchcards

Hey, gang- we’ve made it to fall, and Halloween is just around the corner… I recently finished up my latest sketchcard gig for RRPARKS Cards– their “Halloween Trick Or Treat” set. It’s another Kickstarter funded card set, and an annual

MSCA Zine Art- “The Good, The Bad, And The Sketchy”

MSCA Zine Art- “The Good, The Bad, And The Sketchy”

Hey, gang- I recently was a participant of the first Mid-South Cartoonists Association zine, “The Good, The Bad, And The Sketchy“.    The group has published two previous anthology comics- “Beneath The Drawing Board” and “Overdrawn And Underwritten“, which I