The Party’s Over- for now!
Well, gang- the art show was a success! It started off a bit slow, but after 7pm it picked up and stayed busy until it was time to close the doors at 10pm and start getting ready to go home
Artist seeks fame and fortune by drawing funny
Well, gang- the art show was a success! It started off a bit slow, but after 7pm it picked up and stayed busy until it was time to close the doors at 10pm and start getting ready to go home
Was waiting for my Chick-Fil-A to-go order this morning and saw a copy of the Commercial Appeal sitting on a table next to me. I opened it up and looked for the Go Memphis section (was the Playbook) to see
Well, the art show is tomorrow night. Am I ready, no- but I’m as close to being ready as I’m going to be. Did a lot of errand running last night, picked up supplies for the show, ordered more sketchbooks,