Something Wicked This Way Draws Near!
Well, the art show is tomorrow night. Am I ready, no- but I’m as close to being ready as I’m going to be. Did a lot of errand running last night, picked up supplies for the show, ordered more sketchbooks,
Artist seeks fame and fortune by drawing funny
Well, the art show is tomorrow night. Am I ready, no- but I’m as close to being ready as I’m going to be. Did a lot of errand running last night, picked up supplies for the show, ordered more sketchbooks,
Finished a new caricature of Nicki I thought I’d share. Need to do another with her wearing a Predator’s hockey jersey and hat and one of her as a Sith- “Darth Sunshine”! Worked a bit more on the Mummy painting
Got a bit more painting done this week, but the rain and humidity aren’t helping any. Had to snag a paint brush when the copressor continued to spit out water, even when I drained it several times. Hopefully this weekend