Muppet Monster Monday – My Latest Sketchcards

I you know me, you know I’m a big an of Cookie Monster! In fact, Cookie and I share a birthday. I’ve done a couple Cookie Monster sketchcards, and I thought I’d share some more Muppet Monsters with you
Artist seeks fame and fortune by drawing funny
I you know me, you know I’m a big an of Cookie Monster! In fact, Cookie and I share a birthday. I’ve done a couple Cookie Monster sketchcards, and I thought I’d share some more Muppet Monsters with you
This Saturday the 13th, I attended the Beale Street Monster Club‘s first meeting. My boss Jaime had mentioned seeing a flyer for the event at the 901 Comics midtown store. I immediately called the shop and asked Shannon (my other
Hey, gang- I recently recorded a new Drawing Funny podcast episode and got it uploaded. It’s Episode 45 – “MSCA On Display”. Apparently I was on a bit longer of a recording hiatus than I thought- thanks to several sketchcard